Commercial Wastewater Treatment Systems

Case study overview


October 2022


Boherbue, Co. Cork

Industry Sector

Cheese processing factory

Product Used

Tricel Maxus commercial wastewater Treatment systems

Project Introduction

Ingredient Solutions Ltd is a cheese processing factory based in County Cork. They provide a fully integrated service and a wide array of cheese products. On site, they grate, slide and pack the various kinds of cheese. 

In 2022, they were looking for a solution to their commercial wastewater treatment systems dilemma.

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The company were looking for a solution to upgrade their commercial wastewater treatment systems to meet the following requirements:

  • Cater for expansion and increased production
  • Continuation of respecting the licence to discharge*.
  • Avoiding overloading the local village wastewater treatment system into which they are discharging. 

* In Ireland, if you are discharging more than 5m3 daily or if it is a commercial (not residential) wastewater treatment, you need a discharge licence regulated by the EPA

The Installation

Back in June 2022, Tricel was contacted by the engineer appointed by Ingredient Solutions. He explained the situation and shared details of the wastewater to be treated. 

In order to design a treatment plant, we needed to have the details of the wastewater to be treated, such as:

  • The pattern of the flow

  • Total flow

  • The strength of the effluent to treat (BOD load, SS, Phosphorus, Ammonia) and the requirements for the treated effluent. 

As the Ingredient Solutions team had already run some tests and had all the data available, we were able to start working on a solution for their commercial wastewater treatment systems.

They knew the effluent was made from the wash down at the end of every day for 1h30 (⅔) in addition to the office usage (⅓). They took multiple samples during the year at different stages of the wastewater treatment (at the start, middle and end of the washdown). The company had received the results from the laboratories, and they also confirmed the number and length of the shifts.  

Once the details were received, Tricel met with the engineer and submitted a proposal for the treatment unit. 

Installation was done by a local builder and Tricel worked on-site to : 

  • Install the inlet pumps and piping into the buffer tank (this was a full day’s work).
  • Plumb and install the sampling chamber and plumb the sludge return piping 
  • Commission plant (first phase of commission)
  • The second phase of commissioning will be completed shortly 


In this example, for space purposes, the concrete settlement tank (1) was used for the primary treatment to occur. It is followed by a buffer tank (2), whose role is to even out the fluctuations in the incoming water load. The biological treatment zone (3) has a submerged aerated filter with an area for the microbes, which is exposed to aeration as the waste water passes through, ensuring the wastewater is treated to meet the requirements. Finally, in the clarifier (4), the bio sludge settles at the bottom and is then recirculated from the bottom of the tank back into the settlement tank (thanks to an airlift pump).

How does the Maxus work - commercial sewage treatment systems

The Feedback

The plant is working well; the stakeholders are satisfied with the Tricel Maxus, commissioned in October 2022.

At Tricel, we are wastewater treatment plant specialists here to help you with your projects. We have a wide range of products, from septic tanks to sand polishing filters. 

Contact us today to discuss factories-related wastewater treatment requirements. We can also cater for nursing homes, hotelsschoolshousing estatescaravan parks, and much more. Talk to us today. 


Call us now to talk about your project and we will answer your questions or concerns.


Request a free quote today to have a quote that meets your project!

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