Contact your Tricel local distributor

We welcome all product and service enquiries. Get in touch with us today to discuss your Wastewater Treatment project with your local distributor.

A member of our team will deal with your enquiry as promptly as possible.


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Our address is

Tricel (Killarney) Unlimited Company

Ballyspillane Industrial Estate

Killarney , Co Kerry

V93 X253


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Our range of products

Tricel Vento

Tricel Vento Septic Tank

Shallow dig tank, strong & robust underground tank, No electrical or moving parts. Ideal for sites with good drainage & plenty of space.

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Tricel Novo Domestic sewage treatment

Tricel Novo Sewage Treatment Plant

Durable & long lasting SMC tank, shallow dig tank, easy installation (Plug and Play), long life components.

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Tricel Maxus commercial wastewater treatment

Tricel Maxus Sewage Treatment Plant

Commercial plant. Submerged Aerated Filter (SAF) technology. Ideal for every project over 50 Population Equivalent.

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Tricel Tero tertiary treatment plant

Tricel Tero Tertiary Treatment

An eco-friendly and modular system with proven E.Coli Treatment capabilities in line with the new EPA requirements.

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Tricel Puraflo secondary treatment plant

Tricel Puraflo Secondary treatment plant

Ideal for sensitive sites, compliant to Irish Standard, small footprint.

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Tricel Sandcel sand polishing filter

Tricel Sandcel
Sand Polishing Filter

Provides a dual function of polishing the effluent from a wastewater treatment system and disposing it into groundwater.

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Pumping Solutions

Tricel Pumping Stations

Pump fluids from one place to another where gravity drainage cannot be used, easy and trouble-free installation

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A highly successful multinational corporation with over 50 years’ valuable industry experience


Plants available for all capacities, from 1PE up to 50PE. Free advice on request.

Fast Delivery

On-time delivery is a core requirement of our successful business operations