Septic Tank Grants in Ireland


Last update: April 2024

At Tricel, we are regularly asked by homeowners if there are septic tank grants available to upgrade their existing installation to a new wastewater treatment plant.

Currently, three types of grant schemes are available in Ireland.

Find out more below:

What are the Septic Tank Grants Available in Ireland?

In 2013, the EPA launched its National Inspection Plan to inspect domestic wastewater treatment systems (better known as septic tanks) throughout Ireland. At the time, two types of financial help were available: the ones falling under the Home Renovation Incentive (HRI) and the ones falling under the Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems (DWWTS) Scheme.

Since December 2019, the HRI grant has been closed to applicants and is no longer available. Only the DWWTS has been maintained by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government.

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Grants for septic tanks

Who awards the DWWTS grant?

The responsibility for providing funding for the DWWTS scheme grant lies with the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (DHPLG). BUT it is the local authorities who administer the grant scheme on behalf of the department (under the Rural Water Programme).

Therefore, you should contact the Rural Water Section of your City or County Council for the application forms and further information.

Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems (DWWTS) Scheme

There are three types of grant schemes available.

In January 2024, all three grants listed below have increased by 140% from €5,000 to €12,000.

Maintenance, servicing, and de-sludging are not eligible for grants.

  • National Inspection Plan (NIP)
    Under the National Inspection Plan, grants are available for remediating, repairing, upgrading or replacing septic tank systems that fail inspection by a city or county council. Local authorities will issue an advisory notice requiring the homeowner to repair the system. Grant applications will also be handled by the City or County Council.

Read more about the EPA inspections and what to expect.

  • Priority Areas for Action (PAA):
    Grants are available for fixing septic tanks in these areas if they threaten the environment and need to be repaired, upgraded, or replaced. Local Authority Waters Programme Office will identify these systems and issue a letter confirming their eligibility. After that, the homeowner can apply for a grant from the City Council or County Council.
  • High-Status Objective Catchment Areas (HSOCA):
    In these areas, grants are available to repair, upgrade, or replace septic systems threatening the environment. By entering your EIRCODE in an interactive map, you can determine if you are in one of these areas and apply for a grant from the City or County Council.

Summary table of the 2024 Septic Tank Grants in Ireland

Relates to:National Inspection Plan of septic tanksPrioritised Areas for ActionHigh Status Objective Catchment Areas
Purpose of the grant:To assist with the costs of remediation, repair, upgrading or replacement of, a domestic waste water treatment system (DWWTS) that serves a house.To support the attainment of water quality objectives in Prioritised Areas for Action as outlined in the national River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018-2021 (RBMP).To support the attainment of water quality objectives in High Status Objective Catchment Areas as outlined in the national River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018-2021 (RBMP).
To assist with the costs of remediation, repair or upgrading works to, or replacement of, a domestic waste water treatment system (DWWTS) that serves a house.To assist with the costs of remediation, repair or upgrading works to, or replacement of a domestic waste water treatment system (DWWTS) that serves a house.
Conditions:The works arise directly from an inspection carried out under Part 4A of the Water Services Act 2007 (as inserted under the Water Services (Amendment) Act 2012)The house must be located in a Prioritised Area for Action in accordance with the RBMP.The house must be located in a High Status Objective Catchment Area in accordance with the RBMP.
An Advisory Notice must have been issues by the housing authority.The potential applicant has received a letter from the Local Authority Waters Programme Office (LAWPRO) on behalf of the housing authority, confirming eligibility to apply for a grant.The potential applicant has received a letter from the housing authority confirming eligibility to apply for a grant.
Level of grant: 85% of the eligible costs of remediation, repair or upgrading works, or replacement of any such system subject to a maximum of €12,000, there is no minimum value in respect of costs.85% of the approved cost of the works subject to a maximum of €12,000.
Minimum expenditure, on eligible works, required to process the application is €750.
85% of the approved cost of the works subject to a maximum of €12,000. The minimum expenditure, on eligible works, required to process the application is €750.
More info: T&C - DWWTS Grant under the NIPT&C - DWWTS Grant for houses in a PAAT&C - DWWTS Grant under the HSOCA

What are Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems (DWWTS)?

DWWTS includes septic tanks and wastewater treatment plants.  

Who can apply for a DWWTS grant?

The DWWTS grants are available to help homeowners with the cost of repairs, upgrades or replacement of their domestic wastewater treatment system. 

To apply for a grant or request more information, please contact your local City or County Council. 

How to apply?

Grants are administered by local authorities on behalf of the department; you should contact the rural water section of your local authority for more information.

Summary of who does what

It can be unclear to understand which organisation does what when it comes to financial help for septic tank and wastewater treatment systems. To get a clearer understanding, see the summary table below.

Who?Their responsibilities
Proper operation and maintenance
Prevent risk to the environment or human health
Environmental Protection AgencyNational Inspection Plan
National reports
Code of Practice
Department of Housing, Planning and Local GovernmentFunding of grants
Coordination and guidance under the Building Regulations.
City and County CouncilsApplication to register with Protect Our Water
Planning and building control
Grants for septic tank systems and wells
Identifying potentially polluting septic tanks (Local Authority Waters Programme Office)
Investigation of septic tank complaints

Eligibility for the grant schemes:

In order to qualify for the grant, the house served by the DWWTS must, in the opinion of the local authority:

  • Be occupied by the applicant as their primary place of residence (e.g. not a holiday home)
  • Not be connected to a public sewerage scheme
  • Not be currently under construction or constructed within the last 7 years
  • Not have been paid a grant for the DWWTS within the last 7 years
  • Have all works completed satisfactorily in accordance with the Advisory Notice

Processing of Claim

The following procedures will apply to processing grant payment claims:

  • The local authority verifies that the claim is valid and that all necessary documentation is included.
  • The local authority or its representative will check that the scope of works is completed in accordance with the Advisory Notice and that all other eligibility criteria have been met.
  • The local authority notifies the applicant in writing of the decision that the application is successful and payment is issued.
  • Where payment of the grant is refused or part-refused, the local authority notifies the applicant in writing of the decision, clearly setting out the details of the reason for the refusal and advising the applicant of their right to appeal.


We tried to keep up to date with the latest information; our sources are the following websites:

How can Tricel help?

We can help you by finding a suitable option for your new wastewater treatment system. Get in touch to discuss your project and request a quote for a septic tank or a wastewater treatment plant.

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