Residential wastewater treatment system project

As every wastewater treatment project is different, there are a lot of possibilities and costs. Whether you are building a new house, buying an existing property, or upgrading the sewage treatment system of your home, there are different steps to properly define your project.

Wastewater treatment systems

What is the cost of a residential wastewater treatment system?

Tero Tertiary Product

Before talking about costs, you need to identify your needs and usage of your solution! Depending on the size of your project and the percolation test you will have several options that you can choose from primary, secondary, or tertiary treatment. The site assessment will also recommend you some systems between the septic tank, packaged filter, sand polishing filters or the wastewater treatment plant.

Throughout this article, we will go through the different elements that can help you to define the cost of your residential wastewater treatment system.


The size of your wastewater treatment system

Determining the size of your system is the first step to have an idea of the cost of your project. This part is one of the most important as the right sizing goes hand in hand with the efficiency of the treatment. If the domestic wastewater treatment system is not sized correctly, the effluent can pollute the local environment. Such issues result in damaged wells or water sources and cause problems for public health.

How to determine the size of your system?

The common metric used to calculate the size of a residential wastewater treatment solution is the Population Equivalent or PE. According to the definition of the OECD:

Population equivalent (in waste-water monitoring and treatment) refers to the amount of oxygen—demanding substances whose oxygen consumption during biodegradation equals the average oxygen demand of the waste water produced by one person. For practical calculations, it is assumed that one unit equals 54 grams of BOD per 24 hours

In order to know the PE range you need for your residential wastewater treatment system, you will need to count the number of bedrooms in the house. The table below gives you an idea of it:

Number of bedroomsPopulation equivalent


If you require further technical information

We can help you to size your project

Wastewater treatment systems for residential purposes

Once you know the size of the wastewater treatment solution needed, you might choose the appropriate system. Obviously, the cost varies from one device to another.

The site assessment report offers you some recommendations adapted to your project and percolation area test result.

At Tricel, we manufacture and provide several systems:

Tricel Novo the wastewater treatment plant >

The Tricel Novo treats wastewater with a three-stage purification process with bacterial digestion. It fits every project for both household and commercial use, from 1PE to 50PE.



Cost wastewater treatment plant residential-VENTO

 Puraflo the Packaged Filter System >

The Tricel Puraflo brings higher quality effluents while offering an additional treatment process to your wastewater. This packaged filter system uses coconut fibre in order to treat wastewater.


Cost wastewater treatment plant residential-SANDCEL
Cost wastewater treatment plant residential-NOVO

< Tricel Vento the septic tank

The Tricel Vento is the definition of simple but effective. It is a polyethylene tank with different purposes. It is lighter than most tanks on the market, allowing for easy transportation and installation, while also saving you time and money.

Cost wastewater treatment plant residential-PURAFLO

< Sandcel the Sand Polishing Filter

The Tricel Sandcel is a sand polishing filter with dual functionality. It polishes the effluent from a wastewater treatment system, while also disposing the treated liquid into groundwater.

Select the appropriate system

The table below gives you an idea of the different models existing for three of our solutions.

Size in PETricel NovoTricel VitaeTricel Vento
1-6IE6 or IE6+UK 6Vento 6
7-10IE8 or IE10UK 9Vento 12
11-12IE12UK 12Vento 12
13-18IE18UK 15Vento 20
18-24IE24UK 20Vento 20

The wastewater treatment plant Tricel Vitae is specially designed for Northern Ireland as this system has an overall efficiency of > 98.6% BOD removal during the EN12566-3 test.

Once you have all this information, our technical and sales team will be able to provide you a detailed quote. You also need to take into account the specifications of the site and the installation price.

Our wastewater treatment systems comply with the EPA’s Code of Practice 2021 for domestic wastewater treatment systems with a PE of less than or equal to 10.


Visit our Virtual Showroom to interact with our 3D Novo today!



Key Features of Tricel’s wastewater treatment solutions

Reliable & long-lasting

Reliable & long-lasting

SMC tank, strong & lightweight
 Fast delivery

Fast delivery

Manufactured in Ireland, short lead time


CE certification EN12566- 3, EN12566-1 and S.R.66

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    Tricel (Killarney) Unlimited Company
    Ballyspillane Industrial Estate, Killarney, Co. Kerry, V93 X253, Ireland
    Tel: 64 663 2421